9 minutes of sunset

Avtor: Patricija Vukadinović
Št. strani: 32
Vezava: Trda

Ob nakupu tega izdelka prejmete 1,06 € EUR za Vaš naslednji nakup.

Registrirajte se in zbirajte točke zvestobe, ki jih lahko unovčite že pri vašem naslednjem nakupu.

The fairy tale is about a picky little bird Ollie who falls in love with a bat Trixie, with whom they can only see each other at sunset for 9 minutes.

The fairy tale carries a deeper meaning about accepting differences, transience, and spending time with loved ones.

Na zalogi
predvideni rok dobave 1 - 3 delovne dni
Avtor: Patricija Vukadinović
Št. strani: 32
Vezava: Trda

Ob nakupu tega izdelka prejmete 1,06 € EUR za Vaš naslednji nakup.

Registrirajte se in zbirajte točke zvestobe, ki jih lahko unovčite že pri vašem naslednjem nakupu.

Akcijska cena 21,25 € Redna cena 25,00 €
Avtor: Patricija Vukadinović
Št. strani: 32
Vezava: Trda

Ob nakupu tega izdelka prejmete 1,06 € EUR za Vaš naslednji nakup.

Registrirajte se in zbirajte točke zvestobe, ki jih lahko unovčite že pri vašem naslednjem nakupu.

This is a beautiful story about the picky little bird Ollie, the fairy tale's main character. Ollie can't find his birdie, but he falls in love with a bat, with whom he only has 9 minutes a day and that at sunset.

They started meeting at the cherry tree every day, but only 9 minutes, because she was too hot before and he was too cold later. Throughout the fairy tale, they are separated by bad weather, as well as winter and autumn. They realize they are from two worlds because they are so different, but their hearts have decided for each other. I know that time is so precious and that you fill those 9 minutes per day with the most beautiful memories. It conveys that love is the only true path.

The fairy tale is intended for children and adults, as it carries a deeper meaning about accepting differences, love, and awareness of transience. Time flies and it is the best gift we can give our loved ones.

I wrote it to show which values are the most important in life. I drew inspiration from real life, from my home terrace, where a bat and a bird met at sunset. The fairy tale is suitable for different periods of life, as children perceive it differently than adults.

Book reviews:

»The fairy tale is wonderful, I recommend it to all parents and children. The best thing is that it speaks my language, the language of love. When we read the fairy tale, we realize how important the time we spend with our loved ones is, because we forget this too quickly in our fast-paced lifestyle.«
- Tinkara Fortuna (singer, entrepreneur, author of children's books)

»It is a beautiful fairy tale about love and time that passes too quickly. It is important to be aware of transience and to give to our loved ones because it is the most beautiful gift.«
- Ana Žontar Kristanc (Anna's kitchen, Slovenian influencer)

About the author:

By education, I have a master's degree in management, by profession, I am an accountant. I have always loved to read and write. I love stories that have a deeper meaning. I wrote this fairy tale because I was inspired and wanted to share it with the world.



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Založba Samozaložniki
Avtor Patricija Vukadinović
EAN 9789619631416
Leto izdaje 2023
Št. strani 32
Širina 230
Višina 230
Globina 10
Vezava Trda
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