Experience is key

Useful business examples
Št. strani: 100
Vezava: Mehka

Ob nakupu tega izdelka prejmete 1,35 € EUR za Vaš naslednji nakup.

Registrirajte se in zbirajte točke zvestobe, ki jih lahko unovčite že pri vašem naslednjem nakupu.

This is a book of ordinary and special people. Stories from practice describe the challenges of ordinary people who are also special, because they are successful entrepreneurs who manage a hundred or more colleagues. 

Experience is key je angleška različica knjige Izkušnje so ključ.

Na zalogi
predvideni rok dobave 1 - 3 delovne dni
Useful business examples
Št. strani: 100
Vezava: Mehka

Ob nakupu tega izdelka prejmete 1,35 € EUR za Vaš naslednji nakup.

Registrirajte se in zbirajte točke zvestobe, ki jih lahko unovčite že pri vašem naslednjem nakupu.

27,00 €
Useful business examples
Št. strani: 100
Vezava: Mehka

Ob nakupu tega izdelka prejmete 1,35 € EUR za Vaš naslednji nakup.

Registrirajte se in zbirajte točke zvestobe, ki jih lahko unovčite že pri vašem naslednjem nakupu.

The book contains seven real-life stories from practice. Sometimes in life, we go through a cycle and everything becomes anything but pleasant. Sometimes we realize that we are the "clog" in our business.

Maybe we think too fast or communicate too poorly, which gets things complicated in several areas simultaneously. The entrepreneurs mentioned above sought help from the author of this book. Experiential work using an ethnographic approach provided a solution that turned a challenge into a business strength.

Experience is key is a book that should be read several times in a lifetime, several times over a while, or several times a year. Each time is different. Of course, it is not the book itself that is different, but the reader's challenges. That is why you will not find expert research from psychological institutes, for example on consistency, reciprocity, and other theoretically elaborated practices, as this might distract the reader from re-reading.

The last chapter, chapter 8, contains eight tools that readers can put into practice immediately. In our experience, complications are often resolved with these activities. Given that all the tools have been tested several times in practice, this should work.

What is also interesting about the book is that readers often find that it describes them and that they have the same problem. Of course, this is also one part of the story that the author wants to draw attention to, namely that other people are facing similar challenges. Maybe even people you think do not have problems because they are very successful.

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Več informacij
Podnaslov Useful business examples
Založba Samozaložniki
Avtor Robert Andolšek
EAN 9789619657119
Leto izdaje 2024
Št. strani 100
Širina 150
Višina 10
Globina 9
Vezava Mehka
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