Love can heal anything


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Špelina avantura na Baliju je dobila nepričakovan obrat po življenjsko pomembni nesreči z motorjem. Priklenjena na posteljo in pred operacijo hrbtenice brez potovalnega zavarovanja, je to dojela kot klic vesolja, naj sledi svojemu resničnemu namenu. V svojem memoirju Špela deli to preobrazbeno pot, razkrivajoč osebne in čarobne trenutke okrevanja.
Knjiga je napisana v angleškem jeziku.


Ob nakupu tega izdelka prejmete 1,65 € EUR za Vaš naslednji nakup.


Registrirajte se in zbirajte točke zvestobe, ki jih lahko unovčite že pri vašem naslednjem nakupu.


Ob nakupu tega izdelka prejmete 1,65 € EUR za Vaš naslednji nakup.


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Svoje srce nosi na dlani in ga izlije v to knjigo, opominjajoč nas, da tudi v naših najtemnejših trenutkih obstaja vera v proces. Špela nas navdihuje, da razširimo svojo ljubezen, povezavo in razumevanje. Pridružite se ji na tem izjemnem potovanju in odkrijte moč človeškega duha. Ljubezen lahko ozdravi vse je priča o vztrajni moči ljubezni in neomajnem prepričanju v lepoto, ki se razkriva skozi življenje.
Poleg tega, da je knjiga zgodba, vsebuje tudi bogato zbirko orodij in mehanizmov za zdravljenje – za vas ali kot darilo nekomu, katerega življenje se je v trenutku spremenilo zaradi bolezni ali nesreče. Omogoča vam, da se pridružite tej avanturi skozi vid, zvok in priročni delovni zvezek.
Knjiga je primerna za vse tiste, ki so pripravljeni potovati vase in se podati na pot sprejemanja in globjega razumevanja vesolja ter njegovega delovanja, ter vpogleda v to kaj pometi biti človek v vsej svoji ranljivosti, brez skrivnosti, le čisto zaupanje in predanost. Za tiste, ki se zavedamo da obstaja nekaj več, za tiste ki živijo svojo resnico, za vse bralce, ki obožujejo resnične zgodbe ki te potegnejo, da jih ne moreš odložiti.
Ob branju te knjige imate možnost resnične teleportacije v drugo realnost in globoke povezave z avtorico, čutenjem sebe in svojih travm, in ob enem zdravljenju sebe ter razširjanju svoje srčne zavesti skozi kanaliziranje besede. Knjiga je napisana kot dnevnik in te potegne in vodi skozi sedanje trenutke kot tudi preskok v preteklost, kar bralcu omogoči globoko potovanje. Vmes nas preseneti z uvidi in izkusnjami ki so za mnoge tabu, a resnične iskalce globjega zavedanja besede in razkritja pobožajo kot pravi dušni DOM, kjer prejmejo razumevanje, sprejemanje in čisto ljubezen.
Kratki odlomki iz knjige:
»I never thought me coming back to a baby state would look like that. I literally wore a diaper, drank from a baby bottle and was totally dependent on others, a true representation of rebirth. I still believe that's what I went through, and now I'm re-parenting myself.«
»All of a sudden, I started to feel tingling all over my body, and even some pain in my left leg for a while. I felt the energy pulating and enetering my body. I felt how powerful it is when a group of trained people focus on you. I experienced it. I wish all that love would never end, it felt like I was tripping on energy.«
»When people hear about my story they often ask me: “What was the most important lesson you took from this whole experience?”. And honestly, when I get asked that question my mind goes a bit crazy, jumping from day to day and remembering all of those lessons that came through. What shall I say? What to pick? Maybe I can share about the power of gratitude? Maybe about manifestation? How about how your desired lover can enter into your life without you needing to do anything? Maybe I should talk about surrender? Shall I focus on the health, the body? I could talk about connection, acceptance, focus, dreams, Angels, medicine, pain, pleasure, meditation, giving, compassion, anxiety, opinions, worthiness, magic, hope, legacy, fear or death... The list is endless, there are so many insights daily, I felt as if I was in school and these were the classes that I attended.
»If I had to choose just one lesson, it would be the profound faith in life itself. To understand that whatever we’re going through in this moment, whether challenging or beautiful, is here because we need to experience it for a higher reason, and it will pass. It’s not about suppressing your emotions; it’s about embracing them, for that’s the beauty of being human.«
Mnenja o knjigi:
»Dear Spela, My heart is full after finishing your lovely book Love Can Heal Anything. My husband and I met you synchronistically on a Dublin street in April 2024 and I was so touched that you were stepping out of your comfort zone to sell the book on the sidewalk, that I bought it. Having just published a book of my own, I understood the challenge. Your words sing with well-wrought wisdom, born of struggle, faith and hard work. I admire your honesty and vulnerabiity in telling your story and found myself underlining many of the passages in the book. Thanks for lightening and inspiring my days as I joined you on your spectacular journey of healing. I’m heartened to see that you have listened to Spirit and started your Heart Expansion School. I wish you all the best with it.«
- Jemela S. Macer, Ph.D, Clinical psychologist and author of Between Two Worlds: An Armenian-American Woman’s journey Home
»Thank you for publishing your beautiful book and for having the courage to share your story with others. I just handed off your book to my wife with high praise. If you are familiar with the Hawkins scale, I found the book to register at 845 on a scale of 1-1000. A very high score for the book and for the energetic vibration of the wisdom you have shared. My wife and I both feel that moment connecting with you in Dublin was quite synchronistic. We had arrived in Ireland 10 days earlier to attend a conference on Jungian psychology taking place at Glenstal Abbey outside of Limerick. A conference that we were supposed to attend four years earlier but due to covid had been delayed until now. Several days after the completion of the conference, we were aimlessly wandering the streets of Dublin when we met you standing outside a bookstore holding a copy of your book Love Can Heal Anything. Regarding your book, I love the honesty, the transparency, the vulnerability you shared and how you brought the story alive, as if I was living each moment with you. The shamans of the Andes, with whom I study, have a word, "Munay." Munay is the essence of Love; and they say it is the essence and power of love that manifests healing. Your love, your munay radiates from each page of the book and offers hope and the possibility for healing to each who reads your book.«
- Jim Dewell, author of Integration and Understanding the Journey
»This is a love story. Not in your classical Disney sensibility but rooted in the Real World. In uncertain times. Whatever your circumstance, if this book has found its way to you, then may it inspire you to love yourself, your circumstances and your people even more. Out loud. On purpose. Deeply. It will transform your life. Špela and her story is a testament to this truth.«
- Audrey Foley
O avtorici
Špela Urbanc se je po resni prometni nesreči z motorjem, ki jo je skoraj pustila paralizirano, podala na prelomno življenjsko pot. Od leta 2019 je na Baliju začela globoko potovanje zdravljenja in samospoznanja, pri čemer je pridobila certifikate kot facilitatorka himalajske krija joge, mojstrica Kundalini reikija in facilitatorka dihalnih tehnik.
Njeno potovanje jo je pripeljalo do globokega razumevanja moči namere, invokacije in energijskega dela. Trenutno živi v svoji rojstni državi Sloveniji, kjer jo preveva želja, da deli svoje znanje in izkušnje. Več na:
Podnaslov | A journey of heart expansion |
Založba | Samozaložniki |
Avtor | Špela Urbanc |
EAN | 9789610719687 |
Leto izdaje | 2024 |
Št. strani | 333 |
Širina | 155 |
Višina | 230 |
Globina | 28 |
Vezava | Mehka |