Triumphant judo

Št. strani: 47
Vezava: Mehka

Ob nakupu tega izdelka prejmete 0,90 € EUR za Vaš naslednji nakup.

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The highpoint of any athlete’s career is to compete at the Olympic Games. The Games take place every four years and only those athletes who demonstrate incredible effort, resilience and an unwavering love for their sport are rewarded with a medal. Judo has been an Olympic discipline since 1964, and at least 15 years of hard work is required for judokas  aiming for a medal. 

Na zalogi
predvideni rok dobave 1 - 3 delovne dni
Št. strani: 47
Vezava: Mehka

Ob nakupu tega izdelka prejmete 0,90 € EUR za Vaš naslednji nakup.

Registrirajte se in zbirajte točke zvestobe, ki jih lahko unovčite že pri vašem naslednjem nakupu.

17,90 €
Št. strani: 47
Vezava: Mehka

Ob nakupu tega izdelka prejmete 0,90 € EUR za Vaš naslednji nakup.

Registrirajte se in zbirajte točke zvestobe, ki jih lahko unovčite že pri vašem naslednjem nakupu.

The highpoint of any athlete’s career is to compete at the Olympic Games. The Games take place every four years and only those athletes who demonstrate incredible effort, resilience and an unwavering love for their sport are rewarded with a medal. Judo has been an Olympic discipline since 1964, and at least 15 years of hard work is required for judokas  aiming for a medal. 

A Japanese athlete called Jigoro Kano founded Judo in 1882. Some of his original rules are still used today. The Kodokan Centre in Tokyo is the biggest judo centre in the world. It is an eight-storey building with a dojo for men and one for women. It also houses an international dojo, a health club, a hostel and a museum that is proud to hold Jigoro Kano’s original kimono and the first judo scriptures. There is also a memorial sculpture of him at the entrance to the centre.

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Založba Primus
Avtor Marjan Fabjan
EAN 9789617033410
Leto izdaje 2019
Št. strani 47
Širina 210
Višina 275
Globina 4
Vezava Mehka
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